Essay On Desensitization

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Many experts agree on the fact that what we observe, especially as children and teenagers, influences our behavior but the question is: to what degree? Although some psychologists argue that children are “intelligent enough” to differentiate reality from fiction, when it comes to certain stimulus and the responses they cause, I disagree.
Violence in both media and videogames has been proven time and time again to be a leading cause of desensitization, which refers to “the gradual reduction in responsiveness to a stimulus as through repeated exposure”. In the context of media violence, desensitization specifically describes “a process in which responses to violent stimuli are reduced, thereby changing an individual’s present internal state.” Desensitization is common …show more content…

A 2015 peer-reviewed study found "compelling evidence that the use of realistic controllers can have a significant effect on the level of cognitive aggression." In fact, children who inhabit violent characters are more likely to have trouble differentiating between fantasy and reality. Furthermore, not only are players more likely to feel identified with the character but the immediate reward they receive after committing violent actions, in the form of points or a reinforcing message such as “Good job!”, is also linked through conditioned learning. Children begin to associate that prize with violent behaviors.
While I do agree with the fact that video games can influence a child’s behavior, I believe it is more likely to happen to young children rather than fully-formed adults. In addition I also think that the solution to this violence problem is not to completely ban the use of violent viodeogames but rathe fr the parents to limit the amount of time spent on them. Through the continuous use of videogames is where we can find most of the issues discussed

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