Essay On Deep Brain Stimulation

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Throughout history, treatments for Parkinson's disease have been informed by the technology available at the time. Ablation was widespread until medicines that provided superior effectiveness were discovered. Deep brain stimulation -not a new technology when it came into use as a PD treatment in the 1990s, but one whose potential had not been realized -provided further improvements, allowing for treatment when medications ceased to work. Deep brain stimulation allowed for a very powerful tool in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, but not one that was without risks. As our understanding of the brain becomes more sophisticated, the mechanisms by which deep brain stimulation works are becoming more clear, allowing it to be used more effectively, with fewer side effects, and with less risk of harm to the patient during surgery and after.

With this paper, we examined the literature on deep brain stimulation in order to answer the following questions: how does deep brain stimulation work in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, how effective is deep brain stimulation in treating Parkin...

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