Essay On Cybercrime

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Introduction Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which computer is the object of the crime (hacking, phishing, spamming) or is used as a tool to commit an offence (child pornography, hate crimes). Cybercriminals may use computer technology to access personal information, business trade secrets, or use the internet for exploitive or malicious purposed. Criminals can also use computers for communication and document or data storage. Criminals who perform these illegal activities are often referred to as hackers. Background to the Study Cyber crime through social networking is getting increased world wide as technology gets advanced. Canada is one of the countries where social networking is been adopted in widespread. Cyber crime is widely spread topic we can explain the laws, court cases available in detailed manner. So therefore for the selection of this topic for this research above mentioned key points were considered. Research Objectives • To find out the laws available for cyber crime in Canada. • To find out the policies available for protecting personal information in Canada. • To find out existing court cases. Problem Statement How cyber crime using personal information can be prevented? Research Questions What are the categories and types of cybercrime available? What are the causes of cybercrime? Has cyber crime in increased in Canada? Why cyber crime is carried out? How personal information is exposed by social networking? Research Methodology Research methodology is simply the method used to collect information. Desk research is collecting data from published documents through the internet. So therefore desk research will be used as the research methodology to complete this research paper. Literature Review Cate... ... middle of paper ... ...the current environment. If users under 13 years old, he/she is ineligible to create a social networking site accounts. This will not be regulated by any SNS. YouTube, the video sharing social website, allows users to freely upload videos of 10 minutes or less. Many tens of thousands of clips have been uploaded that infringe copyright laws. Searching clips on YouTube is so easy and they’re generally quick to stream and view. Many see it as easier to do this than to go to the source and click through pages of terms and conditions before a slow download begins. Users of social networking services crave instant gratification. Study Results and Analysis Top 10 phishing hosting countries in the world. 1. United states 2. Canada 3. Egypt 4. Germany 5. France 6. Romania 7. Netherlands 8. United kingdom 9. Russia 10. Isarael Conclusion and Recommendation Bibilography

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