Essay On Cuttlefish

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After careful thought and countless hours of debate, a new mascot has been chosen. The animal selected for this role is called the cuttlefish, The committee has chosen it because of traits proven to be thought provoking and intriguing. Of course, choosing a perfect mascot can be extremely difficult because it needs to be fit the attitude and culture of the school. It helps if the mascot possesses physical prowess or interesting skills. In addition to those, the mascot needs to captivate and entrance. The cuttlefish is a perfect match for our school and has been selected to dethrone the Husky. The cuttlefish is thought provoking and interesting. This cephalopod possesses unique traits that the committee found perfect for the role. Despite the name, the cuttlefish is actually a mollusk related to squids. They have "W" shaped pupils, are colorblind, but also can sense the polarization of light. Although colorblind, cuttlefish still hold the ability to camouflage with brilliant colors and textures, …show more content…

Farmington junior will have to come up with new slogans and a better theme. The cuttlefish has so many qualities to write about it would be hard to choose one for the slogan. Once implanted the cuttlefish could get mild opposition, but eventually, they would understand and be in support of the committee's choice. In conclusion, the cuttlefish is the perfect match for our school. Attendance of extracurricular activities would increase tenfold and everybody would be talking. Although choosing a mascot is difficult, the cuttlefish is right for us. Students would be captivated as soon as they see it. School games and matches would be invigorating and spellbinding, maybe resulting in more domination in sports. Rival schools would be taken aback by our confidence. All in all, the cuttlefish is, without a doubt, the best choice for a

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