Essay On Culture Of Saints

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Christian culture is a very spiritual culture and thus, finds supreme expression in the personalities of saints (Heierman, 1919). Saints are the men and women who followed the Christian way of life in an exemplary manner throughout their life (Heierman, 1919). The saints influenced culture in two ways. First, because they were spiritual leaders, and second by mirroring perfection and the ideals of Christian behaviour toward which people are to aspire (Heierman, 1919). There is an extraordinary range of human character and behaviour on which the seal of approval of sainthood has been placed. There are saints who are Christian statesman and warriors, yet there are also visionary and eccentric saints (Heierman, 1919). If Christianity was based solely on the lives of saints, it might easily be supposed that Christianity is a religion that gives free reign to all varieties of religious experience (Heierman, 1919). However, the importance of saints is not limited simply to their lives and legends. What is more important is the place they hold in the Church. It is in the Church that the subjectivity of the saints’ lives is subordinated to the objectivity of the liturgical order (Heierman, 1919).
Church history too often concentrates its attention on theological controversies and delivers Christian history (Heierman, 1919). The lives of saints bring people of the Church into contact with the inner life of Catholicism. The saints demonstrate how the Christian tradition has found expression in new creative personalities, which are characteristic of time and place in which the saint lived (Heierman, 1919). The lives and legends played a leading part in Christian teaching and education. They reached all people through not only l...

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...ted to Jesus, are all what allowed her to be recognized as a saint. These characteristics of her life also challenge and support Christian teachings. Her supposed repentance of a sinful life supports how important repentance is to Christianity. Further, her devotion to Jesus Christ from the time she met him to her death supports the Christian teaching of devotion to Christianity. However, Mary Magdalene also challenges Christian teachings by challenging Christianity to venture into unknown territories. Further, by simply being a woman and being the apostle to the apostles, Mary Magdalene challenges the notion of men being superior to women inherent in Christianity. As such, when the life of Mary Magdalene and why she is a saint is examined in concordance with Christianity, it becomes evident that St. Mary Magdalene challenges and supports Christian teachings.

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