Essay On Concurrent Powers

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Have you ever wondered what federalism is? Federalism it is a system of function of the government. It took many years of fighting and arguing to finally get all the states and the national government to share power. The founders of federalism are Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and George Washington. They also started federalism to avoid tyranny. The national government has enumerated and concurrent powers and the states have reserved powers. The United States is a federalist government, where the citizens are subject to the powers of several governmental units. Our United States Constitution tells us that the federal government is the highest, or supreme, governmental power. The Government has many powers as well as the enumerated power. In case you are wondering what, the enumerated power is here is the definition for it: The powers of the federal government that are specifically described in the Constitution are sometimes called 'delegated' or 'expressed powers,' but most often they are known as 'enumerated powers,' and they describe how a central government with three distinct branches can operate effectively. …show more content…

In case you don’t know what concurrent powers are here is the definition: Concurrent powers are powers that are shared with both states and the federal government. There are many details and examples for the concurrent powers. For instance, how did the concurrent powers enforce the laws for example they added gun control so not everyone can buy a gun, they have to do a background check on you before you buy a gun. Another detail and example, how did the government collect taxes, the government collects about4.1 trillion dollars of tax a year. Another question how did the government establish courts. Here's the answer the government established courts: they had to get George Washington to sign a law to have

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