Essay On Colon Cancer

652 Words2 Pages

Cancer is a class of diseases characterized by uncontrollable cell growth. Colon cancer forms when cells in the large intestine grow uncontrollably. Most colon cancers come from small, benign tumors known as adenomatous polyps that form on the inner walls of the large intestine. Some of these polyps can grow and become malignant colon cancers over time if they are not removed during a colonoscopy. Colon cancer cells will invade and hurt healthy tissues that are near the tumor creating a lot of problems. After malignant tumors form, the cancerous cells can travel through the blood and lymph systems. This will allow the cells to spread to even farther parts of the body. These cells can grow in many places. The cells will invade and damage other healthy tissues throughout the body. This process is called metastasis. The result of metastasis is a more serious condition that is extremely hard to treat. Colon cancer cells do not go through apoptosis. They continue to grow and divide. Although scientists do not know the reason as to why these cells behave that way, they have found some potential risk factors. Polyps are one of these potential risk factors. Colon cancer usually comes from precancerous polyps that exist in the large intestine. Colon …show more content…

It is normal for people with colon cancer to experience no symptoms in the early stages of it, but when the cancer grows, people experience symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation, changes in stool consistency, narrow stools, rectal bleeding, blood in the stool, pain during bowel movement, continual urges to defecate, weakness, fatigue, unexplained weight loss, irritable bowel syndrome, and iron deficiency. If the cancer spreads to other parts of the body, other symptoms can be experienced in the newly affected area, but the symptoms depend on which part of the body the cancer has spread

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