Essay On Coed Schools

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Single gender schools are more dominate then coed schools
Imagine being a parent of a son or daughter and their being distracted by the opposite sex in class? Many parents like to believe that the opposite sex can be very distracting. The world should recognize that single gender schools can be more effective in several ways then coed schools can be.
Single gender schools were very common and popular during and through the 19th century. Coed schools were then introduced during the late 19th century. However coed schools didn't get very popular until the early 20th century. That is when the single gender schools were being washed out by the coed school education, but now the single gender education is on an uprising again. According to Jim Rex "in 2007 South Carolina had approximately 70 schools in the state and, in 2008 the single gender schools in South Carolina raised to over 200 schools in the state. Many single gender schools in the early years were operated by private organizations and sometimes religious groups.(Nelson jack 182)
A relationship at a coed school can be extr...

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