Essay On Clinical Supervision

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There are several components that go into the team that helps addicted individuals. The counselor is on the front line fighting the battle hand in hand with their clients against the disease of addiction, but they are not alone. They have a supervisor behind them, a role model that leads them in their journey with the client. This immense responsibility comes with state requirements, the needs that supervisees have for competent supervisors and how to acquire them, the requirements to become a clinical supervisor, and the attributes that a supervisor needs in order to execute all of this effectively without doing harm to the supervisee. In the state of Arizona there are several state requirements for participating in supervision. The applicant must have spent 51% of their time either living or working in Arizona. Current credentialing should include that of alcohol and other drug abuse counselor or possess a specialty substance abuse credential at a Mater’s level or higher in another professional discipline in human services. There must be verifiable experience of five years of counseling and 10,000 hours directly with substance abuse counseling. These hours may decrease depending on the level of education obtained (e.g., …show more content…

An agency should have a designated meeting sometime during the week where supervisees can meet with their supervisor and discuss their week and needs they feel they may have come across. This is even if they feel that they do not supervision. They may even request more supervision, such as if they are in recovery themselves and this is their right to request so. Therefore, if any of the previous mentioned needs a supervisee may have arises, they should seek support from their clinical supervisor (GCU, 2013 & Welfel,

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