Essay On Chromosomy 13

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Trisomy 13 or Patau Syndrome” Trisomy 13 is a genetic disorder found in babies. It is also called Patau syndrome in honor of the physician who first described it, Krause Palau. Trisomy 13 is a genetic disorder in which there is three copies of chromosomes on Chromosome 13. Patau first described the syndrome and its involvement with trisomy in 1960. It is sometimes called Bartholin-Patau syndrome, named in part for Thomas Bartholin, a French physician who described an infant with the syndrome in 1656. It is the condition associated with severe mental disability and physical abnormalities in many parts of the body. Individuals with trisomy 13 often have many abnormalities that can be major or minor in the development of a child in the womb. Due to the life-threatening medical problems, many children born with trisomy 13 die within the first few weeks or days after they are born. Only a few of children with this condition live past their first year after they are born. The condition is very difficult to discover until a child is born. Mainly because it involves brain and heart abnormalities that are life threatening. Poor diagnosis of patients with trisomy 13 has long been accepted and has been found to have many complex brain and heart malformations. The child may live longer with heart or brain surgery but it is still rare to live past the age of 3 months. Surgery is tried to be avoided the most because of the child
Trisomy 13 is diagnosed in a baby when there is an extra chromosome found on the thirteenth pair of autosomal chromosomes. Although women of older age have a higher risk of having a child with trisomy 13, a women's chance of having a child with this condition can . Surgery may be an option to correct or improve certain defects, such as cleft lip and heart problems, if they are minor. For those babies with the option of surgery, it is not typically done in the months immediately following

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