Essay On Chinese Religion

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Chinese Religion and Beliefs

China has been a multi-religious country since the ancient times.
Most of the religions practiced in China came from other parts of Asia and parts of Europe as well. People who practice these religions don’t normally do the ceremonial part. Religions that were originated in China were actually a system of philosophical beliefs rather than spiritual ones. China had three religions that were practiced a lot and were considered the ‘’pillars’’ of
Chinese culture.

Confucianism was a religion originated in China.
Confucianism was China’s original ‘’religion’’. It was introduced in 479 BC. Eventually, people started to practice it. During the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu made Confucianism a feudal system. Confucianism …show more content…

Lao Tzu was a poet and philosopher of China. In the Taoism religion there are three mythical beings called the Three Pure Ones. These beings were worshiped as the High Gods of Taoism. Taoism isn’t really practiced but it still rolls around.

Buddhism, however, is China’s most practiced foreign religion.
Unlike Confucianism and Taoism, Buddhism was not originated in China. It was originated in now called Nepal. Buddhism was brought to China during the third century BC. Since then, many forms of Buddhism were formed. Buddhism introduced China to a whole new perspective of concepts and beliefs. Buddhism also brought new ways of behavior (i.e. meditation). To this day Buddhism is still China’s most practiced religion. Other religions also became part of the Chinese culture.
One religion that Chinese practice is Christianity. Christianity was not introduced until the Tang
Dynasty. After that era, Christianity became part of the Chinese culture. After a while,
Christianity was no longer being practiced because most Christians were either killed or kicked
Out. Many Chinese people didn’t become Christian by birth; they chose to follow the Christian
Religion. Many European religions became part of the Chinese

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