Essay On Child Brides

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The thought of marriage usually gives people the image of celebration and joy. But not to sixteen-year-old Sadia current resident of a small village in Bangladesh. Sadia forced to quit school at age 14 because her parents were having her married to an older man. Based off of tradition in her family this is similar to what her grandmother had to do. She was forced to get married to this man and have sex. At only 14 years old, Sadia got pregnant and had a baby (Plan International). Now picture thousands of girls and boys going through this every day. “Each year 15 million girls are married before the age of 18”(Girls Not Brides). A global women's issues which is still happening today is child marriage. Child marriage, defined as an informal marriage …show more content…

In 1948, the universal declaration of human rights declared, “the right to free and full consent to a marriage” and it “cannot be ‘free and full’ for when at least one partner is very immature” (Unicef 10). Child brides are violation of human rights given to each and every human being. Usually communities leaders or religious leaders will not follow these laws. Families follow other families and it is a continuing pattern. Marriage is a choice and these underage girls are getting their rights taken …show more content…

Girls Not Brides is a global partnership combined of more than 800 civil society organizations from over 95 countries with a goal of ending child marriage and enabling girls to their full potential. Part of the mission statement of Girls Not Brides is raising awareness of the harm of child marriages by encouraging open and forum discussions. On the Girls Not Brides website, they have a “take action” tab where you can donate to members products such as a “radio program raising awareness a child marriage in South Kivu”. Girls Not Brides partners with crowdfunding websites to connect individual donors with girls. Girls not brides also has informative fact sheets and statistics I tell you everything about a child brides. they also have a tab where you can support their members campaign such as in the Niger (the main country where this is happening) to outlaw forced child

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