Essay On Child Abuse

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Interview Abused Children
Since the beginning of time, children have be an integral part of our world. They act as the pillars of our society, knowing that the future of the world’s society will one day be in their hands. The rights of children have always been minute compared to the rights that adults have. For many centuries, people failed to recognize that children could fall victim to the abuse of an adults, just like adults can. During the 19th and 20th century, the fight again child labor was in the limelight, but rarely did people think that kids could be victims of physically or sexual abused. As time progressed, the criminal justice system began to identify that children needed to be protected from being a victim of physical and sexual abuse. Today, the court systems have distinctly identified what child abuse is and measure in place in an attempt to identify, prevent and treat abused children. Special teams are established for the sole purpose of investigating these crimes, because working with children demand a different protocol than adults. Interview children demands a special attention, because they are subjected to more trauma than an adult would, due to their developing mind.
The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, "Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or "An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm." In Orange County, a child abuse case is started when either a “mandated reporter” or an individual reports a suspected child abuse. Immediately, a social service worker or peace officer will respond...

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...also for the interviewer. At times, they might interview a child who is too young to understand what is happening, or have a teenage who is not willing to talk. They put a lot of effort in gaining the trust of a child, as well has having to abide by the justice system. They cannot show emotions during interviews, and they cannot have a leading interview. With all the protocol and red-tape, yet being able to have a child open up, is a tough job. But it is because of them, that law enforcement and district attorneys are able to apprehend and prosecute perpetrator. Being an advocate at C.A.S.T., is also a rewarding job.
Having a child who has been abused is already very traumatizing, but having them repeat the abuse to a stranger is even scarier. C.A.S.T. has done an amazing job trying to minimize the trauma a child might experience during the investigation process.

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