Essay On Carnival Mirror

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In this paper, I will discuss how the criminal justice system acts like a carnival mirror. However, first, I will define Jeffrey Reiman’s interpretation on carnival mirror and make a connection to our criminal justice system. Then, I will illustrate a couple of examples of how the carnival mirror plays in our society. My goal in this paper is to bring a new perspective on the criminal justice using the carnival mirror reflection. Jeffrey Reiman argues, “the criminal justice system is a carnival mirror that presents a distorted image of what threatens us” (Reiman;2016, Pg.106). Reiman claims that our criminal justice system acts like a carnival mirror. In other words, a misleading picture of people who are considered dangerous. Like a carnival mirror, you can see your reflection in the mirror, however, in the mirror, they are certain areas that mislead your physical figure. For example, if you’re standing in front of a carnival mirror, you may notice a misrepresentation of yourself, because of the curve mirror it carries. The mirror makes objects grow either vertically, and or horizontally, leading to the results of a funny body. Again, we can see the distortion, when we look at our …show more content…

120). The quote represents the unjust aspect of our criminal justice system. As we all know, if you are a minority in this country, you are looked as a dangerous person. Consequently, if you are black, the odds are against you and you are more prone to being put into the system. With that being said, Reiman also argues that our system has been failing on protecting us. Instead of acting like an actual mirror, the system has it’s own

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