Essay On Bisexuality

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My Community of Practice is Bisexuals. To be Bisexual is to have a sexual attraction to both of the traditional genders, it can also be thought of as an attraction to all genders or regardless of gender. With an average of 2% of the United States being reportedly Bisexual, it is more common than people with red hair (McDonald). A person can be bisexual regardless of their sex, gender, or their dating history. A person who identifies as Bisexual does not necessarily need to be sexually attracted to both, but could also be emotionally or romantically attracted to them instead. For many, just saying they are bisexual is enough to be granted membership into the Bisexual community, however for some, it has to be proven by who they have been intimate …show more content…

Or perhaps a “phase”, as if your heart is as fickle as the moon. Some find comfort in being recognized as bi enough to have these labels and stereotypes assigned to them, as if it is a badge of honor to be called attention seeking instead of a death brand. For much of the media, the assumption of attraction is always black or white. For a woman to date a woman means she can only be a lesbian, and if she subsequently dates a man she has to be confused. As said by Amy Tan, “ Something enormous is always lost in translation. Something insidious seeps into the gaps.” (Tan 60). Bisexuals are also a large victim of erasure, including but not limited to the historical and societal erasure of famous persons, such as; Megan Fox, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, David Bowie, Lady Gaga, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Ke$ha, Billie Holiday, Sarah Paulson, Sia, Drew Barrymore, Freddie Mercury, Malcolm X, Fergie, Frank Ocean, Frida Kahlo, Miley Cyrus, Lindsey Lohan, Billie Joe Armstrong, and even ancient heroes such as Hercules, Julius Caesar, Horace, Alexander the Great, and Catullus. Famous American influence such as Oscar Wilde and Francis Bacon are also known Bisexuals ( The mainstream media likes to label people as straight or gay and this dates back all the way to ancient greece, where poets such as, Sappho's was labeled as a lesbian when in fact she was bisexual and wrote poetry about both men and women. Or the Greek God Apollo who was recorded as loving both men such as Hyacinthus, who was fought over by the god Apollo and the west wind Zephyros, resulting in his death and subsequent transformation into a flower, and the Nymph Daphne, who was cursed to hate Apollo while he loved her, resulting in her being turned into an ancient tree and subsequently a divine spot of worship to the ancient greeks (theoi.comGreek Epic C8th -

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