Essay On Becoming An Epileptologist

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One of the toughest decisions any person will ever make is the choice of whether to go to college or not. After that comes one of the toughest questions of one’s college experience: What will I major in? With so many different colleges and universities that offers so many different programs and majors, it can often be overwhelming. This would often be found to be true for most people… but not for someone like me. Ever since I was in the 8th grade, I had already decided what I wanted to do with my life, and now I've made it my lifelong academic goal to become a game changing, world-renowned epileptologist. Many who know the field well would probably be asking themselves why someone as young as me would decide to dedicate their life to a field as little known and often difficult as neurology and neuroscience. Well, if I’m being completely honest with you, I myself have a neurological problem, known to the medical community as epilepsy, which causes …show more content…

Neurologists specialize with certain parts of the body, like the Central Nervous System, which includes the brain and the spinal cord, and the Peripheral Nervous System, which includes all other sensory receptors and neural elements in the body. The main difference between neurologists and my career choice of being an epileptologist is that neurologists help treat those who suffer with epilepsy, like myself. Many people may ask things like, “Well what’s the difference between the two?” The truth is, all epileptologists are neurologists, but not all neurologists are epileptologists. Again, many people may ask what the difference may between the fields. The difference between these 2 professions is that epileptologists have undergone more education in the field of epilepsy than many other basic neurologists and are more suited to the treatment of those with epilepsy, which are usually their only types of

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