Essay On Becoming A Sophomore

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Becoming a sophomore had to be an exciting new step in life. I was no longer considered fresh meat, nor the smallest in a high school, I was a 10th grader. Going up in a social triangle was not only exciting but also nerve wrecking. Since 9th grade was easy, I thought 10th grade would be similar until I was told there is a test sophomores have to take to be able to graduate. This test wasn’t on topics we learned our sophomore year, but it was a test that was constructed of basic questions from grades like the 7th or 8th. When I learned about this test, I was both mad and frustrated; worried that this could affect my chances for graduating. Even though I was mad and frustrated, I still tried to act like I wasn’t worried because I was older. …show more content…

There was a hallway filled with classrooms only for sophomores taking the test and no one could make noise. Once the last bell made its sound, I was over the idea about taking this test. My teacher started reading the instructions and I started to get tired. Soon after she read the instructions, she started giving students pencils, scratch paper, and calculators. There was not only an English section, but the test also included a math section. We had been told the test should be very easy and not to worry. I wondered to myself, if the test is so easy, why are we wasting our time to take it? In my opinion, the test was neither relevant nor helpful in my success as a sophomore student. The questions was too simple and not relevant. After taking the test, everyone realized there time was wasted; however, the test was considered very important in the future. I believe everyone felt like how I originally felt when I was first told about the pointless test. It took various people, higher in power, to realize the test wasn’t important. Not only has the test been removed at the start of the 2014-2015 school year but another test more relevant to the students common classes in there junior year has been created. That test may be more relevant and helpful for student learning; however, I still think these test are

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