Essay On Autolysis And Putrefaction

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Within the stages outlines by Love and Marks (2003) each stage is composed of the progressions featured within autolysis and putrefaction. Additional external observations can be seen throughout the process, triggered by the circulatory stasis and tissue necrosis. External gross morphological changes can be seen such as algor mortis, rigor mortis, and livor mortis. Algor mortis consists of the process in which the body slowly cools to the level of ambient temperature at a variable rate (Love and Marks, 203) Rigor Mortis is the process that results in temporary muscle stiffening that begins within hours after death, achieves full level of stiffness by 12 hours, and releases fully through a period of an additional 12 hours (Love and Marks 2003; Rhine 1998; Fisher, 1980) Livor mortis constitutes the settling of blood due to gravitational pull, causing a pooling effect on those lower areas. Within the stages outlines by Love and Marks (2003) each stage is composed of the progressions featured within autolysis and putrefaction. Once the body has progressed to a point with where enough ...

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