Essay On Anti Globalization Movement

1996 Words4 Pages

In this report, the focus is attached on the anti-globalization movements worldwide. Globalization is defined as the process of integration across the whole world uprising from the interchange of views and ideas of different aspects including political, economical, social, environmental and cultural aspects. Advancements in technology speeded up the process in recent decades. It enabled people to travel, communicate and do business internationally. Therefore, people are integrated into a single society together. Globalization carries out significant changes in different aspects in both pros and cons. In the following parts, the reason for anti-globalization protests will be examined first. Also, “Justice Globalism” and the related issues will be discussed. At last, there will be a case study showing typical anti-globalization movement, the role of youth in these kinds of movements and followed by self-reflection.

Reasons for Anti-globalization protests
Although globalization benefits the world a lot, there are many problems, which induce different anti-globalization protests. According to the Jagdish Bhagwati, “globalization is the cause of social ills”, it affects the poverty problem in less developed countries. Most of the problems are related to economical and environmental aspects.

1. Uneven wealth distribution
Under the impacts of globalization, it is obvious that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. Actually, globalization is not able to reduce poverty in the developing countries. In fact, it has led to the accumulation of wealth and power in the rich or several developed countries such as USA and UK. Therefore the gap between the rich and the poor seems to be widening continuousl...

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... about different global issues and develop their own opinions. After that, they may realize that there is the need for them to stand up for themselves in order to make their voices heard by other people. This motivates them to organize or take part in anti-globalization movements. Finally, the emergence of social platforms also contributes to the rise of youth power. With the help of social platform, they no longer need to contemplate how to promote their ideas of anti-globalization as well as the related movements, because they can let the world know what they think by posting on social platforms. As the youth is more able to keep up with such technological advancements, they can make better use of these platforms than other people do. Therefore, it is most likely that these reasons contribute to the rise of youth power, which triggers anti-globalization movements.

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