Research Paper On Anne Frank

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Throughout World War II, there were thousands of victims. Many persecuted were killed or tortured, but some lived to tell their story. Despite only living until she was 15, Anne Frank tried her best to survive in difficult conditions. Her story demonstrates the strength of the human nature when pushed to its limit.
Annelies Frank was born in June of 1929 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She had one sister, Margot, who was three years older than her. Her parents were Otto and Edith Frank. Otto worked in his family’s bank while Edith stayed home to watch Anne and her sister. They were a Jewish family along with 6 million others trying to escape the horrific dictator, Adolf Hitler.
Germany was in an economic crisis. Unemployment and poverty were at a high, and by the claims of a racist leader, Jewish people were the problem and were to be blamed …show more content…

Johannes Kleiman, Miep Gies, Bep Voskuijl, and Victor Kugler kept their secret from the other employees working in the warehouse on the ground floor. The fewer people that knew, the better. Everyone had to be extremely quiet during the working hours, but at night and on weekends they could leave the cramped hideout. There was three upper stories to the annex. Anne shared a room with Margot, but when yet another man moved in, Fritz Pfeffer, she shared with him. On Friday, August 4, 1944, at 10:30 in the morning a car pulled up to the entrance of 263 Prinsengracht, where Anne and the rest were hiding. Armed police got out and entered the building. They demanded to know who was in charge and quickly found all eight of them, Anne and her family, the van Pels family, and Fritz Pfeffer in the secret annex. One by one they were taken out into the van, that would later put them on a train, four days later, to the deadly concentration camps. After more than two years it was the first time any of them had seen something other than a black hiding

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