Essay On Andre Riley Slammed My Face On The Ground

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Face flat on the concrete, Andre Riley never imagined the pain of slamming his face on the ground would be so painful.Young, small, and confused are the three words that best describe the young child at the time.“It hurt extremely bad. I slammed my face into the ground! My face. The ground. HEAD FIRST.” Andre was only six years old when he fell out of his mother’s Suburban, bringing the harsh stares of his peers and others around him. The screams, the tears, the pains, the fears. “I was completely embarrassed furthermore hurt. I didn’t expect to fall out the car, I was knocked out,” Sproles went on to explain. “My mother didn’t know that this was going to happen, but still… she could’ve been a tad bit more observant. How embarrassing.” Andre …show more content…

As his life flashed before his eyes, “AHHHH!!” He screamed to the top of his lungs. As his body rotated counter-clockwise onto the ground, he had no time to gather himself. Then “PLOP.” Andre was head first onto the …show more content…

“Worst day ever!” Andre exclaimed. He said, “The children at my school, Iberville Elementary, were ruthless. They did not care what they said or who they said it to.” The minute he got to school, he got eyeballs from everyone. You’d think he was a corpse walking the way everyone was looking at him. “Like the minute I walked into the school… BOOM, everyone’s eyes on me.” Andre received questions the whole day about what in the world the huge blob was above his eyebrow. He was completely embarrassed. “I just wanted to go home and cry,” Andre said. “They were just so blunt about it!”In addition to the atrocious mark on his face, Andre is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). When he felt the textures that were different in his face, he peeled the skin on that awful scab to match the rest of his skin. This made the situation a thousand times worse. He says, “I just needed them to feel the same. It bothered the daylights out of me.” That little problem had every kid at his school making fun of him. It was just appalling, and there wasn’t anything that Andre could do about

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