Essay On Ambivalent Sexism

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I decided to take the Ambivalent Sexism quiz over the Native IQ quiz. I decided to take this quiz because the title of the quiz was eye catching and because I thought that I lacked knowledge to take the Native IQ quiz. Before the Ambivalent Sexism quiz I read the introduction and the first quote mentioned had me questioning what was being said. I was questioning it because I personally believe that a man is capable of living without a woman, but at the same time there are in fact woman that it can be hard to be with. I believe that men can live without women because men are perfectly capable of doing what a woman can do, like ironing clothes or cooking. I also believe that it can be hard to live with a woman because I have read stories online …show more content…

The next thing that was interesting to me in the introduction of the quiz was the question, “How can adoration qualify as sexism?” because I had never thought of this before. Additionally, as I was taking the quiz I was shocked by some of the questions on the quiz too. For example a question was, “In a disaster, women ought not necessarily to be rescued before men.” This question was shocking because I was thinking that men wouldn’t be able to reproduce by themselves. Men and women are to be saved because it would also be unfair to only save one gender when both are capable of doing what the other gender does. Another question that also was shocking to me was, “Once a woman gets a man to commit to her, she usually tries to put him on a tight leash.” This question was shocking because I myself could never imagine me being strict with my partner, especially because my mother has never acted in such way towards my father. However, as I mentioned with the wife of my dad’s friend this can be true, but I think this will usually happen when a woman has trust issues towards her partner. A woman will feel like she needs to be in control because otherwise her husband might leave

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