Essay On Agriculture For Development

2006 Words5 Pages

Hussam kutbi
Dr.Matias E. Margulis
INTS- 498
25 February 2014

Analysis of World Bank Development Report (2008) on
Agriculture for Development
In a world where it has long been assumed that there will be scarcity of food due to the alarming rate of the growing world population, the current situation shows that such is not the scenario. Human beings have managed to make it so far. However, poverty and hunger both remain crucial issues that have to be tackled with .The authors of WDR 2008 suggest that agriculture should be one of the contributing factors that will bring down the rate of poverty and hunger, if not eradicating it completely. In the area known as the Sub-Saharan, agriculture is a struggle(World Bank 38). The world is already well-positioned to trade in food, but this specific area is still struggling with food security. As stated by Clapp in her book Food,
This is a giant market. Indeed, agriculture accounts for some 6 percent of global GDP and around 41 percent of the world’s population depends on it either directly or indirectly for their livelihood (7).
The World Development Report (WDR) 2008 on Agriculture for Development, written by a reputable team, co-directed by Derek Byerlee and Alain de Janvry, under the supervision of the then Chief Economist of the World Bank (2003-2007), François Bourguignon(World Bank Website). Derek Byerlee has spent his life contributing to agriculture in developing countries. He has been a policy advisor, teacher, researcher and administrator. He is a member of the agricultural & Applied Economics Association. (Derek Byerlee). Alain de Janvry is a professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley(University of California: Center for Effective Global Action). The World D...

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...sing of food prices has been because the main staples such as maize, sugar and cassava are being used for the production of bio-fuels(Mitchell). The agriculture-based countries that are still struggling because of oil prices, cannot invest in bio-fuels options as they still do not have food security. How will they be able to feed machines food when they themselves are hungry?
To conclude, agriculture is a domain that has been exploited. Even though the World Development Report on Agriculture sheds light on different parts, their reports or advices cannot be taken as grand narratives or panaceas that will help in the development of the world. More focus should be placed on the distribution pathways of food, instead of elaborate policy making, because I believe that there is no foreseeable scarcity of food yet, rather, there is an uneven distribution of food.

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