Essay On Adolescent Brain Development

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Adolescent brains are a part of the teen's body, the reason why teens have “risky behavior and cloudy judgment is because of the plasticity of the brain. Adolescent brains have incredible plasticity because the brain is still forming and it’s not sure what to do. The brain doesn’t know how to respond; it’s developing new paths and experiences." (MindShift) Adolescent brain development should be blamed for the child’s own behavior, it’s still a part of their body. I believe your brain is a part of your body and you as a person can control it, but you just don’t know how to. We should still be blamed for our actions. Kids have no control over the amount of plasticity in their brain. There are 6 parts of a brain. If one part of the brain …show more content…

It’s not because we want to it’s just who we are. There is something called a prefrontal cortex, “that helps link past experiences to the current situation.” (Mindshift) The prefrontal cortex’s job is to make decisions, it’s the center of the brains emotions, it notices threats and rewards. We might not use our prefrontal cortex as much as we should but it’s because it’s taken by our emotions. A lot of teens today are getting bullied and that’s what causing these bad actions. What we really need to do is stop bullying. All the bad emotions toward a person are bad for his/her brain. In the article, it states that the prefrontal cortex is usually hijacked by a person’s emotions, emotions that are created when you're bullied, broken up, friend trouble, etc. I do believe that we are in control and that we are still the reason we do the things we do, it's not just because we have something in our brain that isn't working as well as it should be. Some people believe that there would be no bullying, but they were wrong. Bullying is inevitable it's going to happen to you at some point in life, we have to grow up throughout the years and our prefrontal cortex will grow up with

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