Essay On Acidity

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In my experiment I am testing which vegetable and pickling solution will increase the acidity in the solution most and have the most chemical change. To figure this out you need to consider some important factors. These factors are how acidity changes, chemical changes, and how acidity is measured. These factors really impact how we would measure and see the results. What is acidity? It’s the amount of acid in a substances, for example vinegar and other liquids. Acid is a molecule which donates proton and can receive other electrons. That means that an acid can change its chemical properties. If the acidity in the solution changes it is because of the change of protons and neutrons. If the acidic solution loses a proton then it will become …show more content…

The formation of an odor is when chemical changes create a smell. For example when something rots it usually smells disgusting. Temperature change happen sometimes because chemical changes are normally accompanied by it. For example if you burn paper it will become much hotter. The formation of bubbles is another sign of chemical change, for example when you mix baking soda and vinegar it creates many bubbles. Finally formation of a solid may form, called precipitate. All in all chemical changes may have occurred if you observe some of these five factors. Acidity is measured using a few different ways, such as indicator sticks which change color when dipped into a liquid. Then when the color is changed you normally compare it to a scale. The most common scale used is named the pH scale where 7 is neutral and 14 is most basic (least acidic), and 0 most acidic. An example of something neutral is water, a basic solution is liquid drain cleaner, and something most acidic is battery acid. The vegetables which I am using to conduct this experiment are cucumbers, carrots, and beets. The beets and the carrots are more on the neutral side whereas cucumbers are more acidic. Overall you need indicator sticks and then you compare it to a scale to figure out the acidity of the solution. Ultimately when conducting this experiment I need to look at how to determine chemical change and how to measure

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