Essay On Acid Rain

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Definition of acid rain:
Acid rain is rain with a pH of less than 5.6.
It is deposited material (wet or dry like snow or dust) from the atmosphere that contains more than normal amounts of nitric and /or sulphuric acid.

Acid rain is relevant in today’s society more than ever because ever since the Industrial Revolution we are burning fuel that contain nitrogen and sulphur compounds. Nature produces some nitrogen dioxide and some sulphur dioxide but that does not compare to how much power stations, motor vehicles and blast furnaces produce. The acid rain is killing off wildlife, corroding buildings and reacting with nutrients in the soil. The acid rain can get into our waterways and poison the water, we can also breathe it in and the acid would irritate our upper respiratory tract. Our environment is degrading and acid rain is a big catalyst.
The sulphur dioxide reacts with oxygen atoms in the air to form the gas sulphur trioxide.
2SO2 +O2 -> 2SO3
Then the sulphur trioxide (SO3) reacts with the water droplets (H2O) in the air to form sulphuric acid (H2SO4 ).
The two main caus...

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