Essay Homework: The Influence Of Japanese Paintings

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Chapters 4/5 Homework: The influence of Japanese prints
For my response, I chose the group of images by Hiroshige and Vincent van Gogh entitled “Plum Park in Kameido” and “Orchard in Blossom”. When looking at both images there is a series of lines ranging from the tree trunks, to the limbs and twigs of the tree. I would say that the only implied line in the images is the way the trees are stretched up to the sky. In Vincent’s image there could also be an implied line when looking at the way the rakes are pointed upwards. On the other hand, I did not find any specific shape in the pictures other than the way the trees are formed and the blank space between the trees. When critiquing both images, I noticed that both artists created very thin/ normal size trees which took up the majority of the space available. The color scheme of Hiroshige’s image was mainly dull due to the dark red merging into the dark shades of green, gray, and black. However, Van Gogh’s image was slightly lighter due to the introduction of yellows, greens, and blues. I feel that both of the images showcase some hit of pattern in the way …show more content…

Vincent Van Gogh used asymmetrical balance in his artwork. To create this balance, he created a larger tree on the right side of the image, while he introduced smaller trees and other nature related things on the left side (or in the background). He also creates balance by using full size trees compared to the open ground area around the tree. The main thing that unifies both compositions would be the use of nature when dealing with the trees, leaves, and ground. Once again I feel that the rhythmic elements would be the leaves, branches, and the trees they are attached to. Vincent does a pretty good job at showcasing scale in his painting, He paints the rake so that it does not exceed the length of the tree itself. He also paints his leaves at a normal size in relation to the image as a

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