Essay Comparing The Lottery And Young Goodman Brown

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Jackson in her story, “The Lottery”, describes how society and villagers preserve the tradition of lottery without even knowing its origin. Hawthorne, in his story, “Young Goodman Brown” describes the presence of corruption and evil in the society. Both stories have common ideas such as corruption in our society, continuation of barbarous and unethical old traditions, and failure of people in handling those barbarous actions. Both stories have a common theme of evil and darkness but they are presented in different manners. This paper discusses similarities and differences in “The Lottery” and “Young Goodman Brown” by analyzing different literary elements. Jackson, in her story, questions beliefs of individuals, their actions, and blind faith towards old barbaric traditions by using an evil theme and symbolism. Hawthorne adopted a different approach to show presence of evil in our society by showing the inner struggle of the lead character. …show more content…

The author ironically describes day as “clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day” (Jackson, 2008, p 5). Hawthorne, on other hand presents a gloomy description to connect readers with settings by saying “Young Goodman Brown came forth at sunset into the street of Salem village” (Hawthorne, 2012, p 128). Hawthorne presents a town that conducts rituals of witchcraft and also burns witches. The plot of the story is knitted around a paralyzed community that follows traditions. In the forest, Goodman sees various well-known faces of senior authorities and reputed faces. Hawthorne, presents a ritualistic society that is dark and

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