Essay Comparing The Crucible And The Scottsboro Trial

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Slander alone can destroy the lives of innocent people. In today’s world a reputation can either support who you are in life or impair your chances in society. As children we are classically trained to be honest and in return we will be “okay” as long the truth has been spoken. But what happens when the truth alone is not enough to keep us “okay” and safe? More often than not society will tell tales and expect it to be okay. Due to no punishment being set upon the individual the same issues will occur repeatedly. When analyzing The Crucible and The Scottsboro Trial readers can make sudden connections to the central theme of these two stories. In Miller’s The Crucible along with the Scottsboro Trials, both investigations demonstrate the power …show more content…

Just as Joseph McCarthy made false claims in the 1940s an extremely similar situation occurs in The Crucible. A group of young girls made claims involving witches appearing in Salem. When stating these remarks none of these young ladies had any real evidence to confirm their story. In the witch trials and Joseph McCarthy’s case, the people who were accused were put on trial and assumed to be guilty though there had been no hard evidence to go off of. When analyzing The Crucible readers will find how arrogant some of the citizens in Salem are and how far they are willing to go to maintain a prestige reputation. We see this when Proctor is conflicted whether or not to tell the truth about his affair, “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!” (Miller 103). It took having his wife go to jail for John Proctor to finally come out and tell the …show more content…

History repeated itself immensely when these trails began. From not learning the first time nine boys were prosecuted for invalid reasons. These claims were completely irrational but the women would stand by them in fear of getting in trouble for what was actually going on. While reading about the Scottsboro trials McCarthyism tactics can be view clearly throughout the entire trial. Following in McCarthy’s footsteps the two women made accusations that were not substantial. Though the claims were severely weak the women were trusted and did not receive any type of

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