Essay Comparing Brave New World And Unwind

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Unwind by Neal Shusterman are two books that represent perks of dystopias and their effect on the world and prediction of the future. These two have a lot of similar values and themes in their societies. Brave New World and Unwind both show that humans are obligated to obey a negative act of common society or have no absolute say in what goes on pertaining to them like decanting, unwounding, storking, classifying humans, the drug soma, and tithing.
In Brave New World, an act where a human can’t choose who they are or what they want or feeling forced occurs in many ways; decanting, classification, and taking soma. In this book, life all begins in a test tube. Humans are not born through having a mother …show more content…

It is called being “decanted” which means that DNA and genetics are produced scientifically to make a human. So later on in life the people in Brave New World don’t choose what they want to be, it is a given at birth. The Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning said, “What man has joined, nature is powerless to put asunder” (Huxley 22). This quote means that humans overpower nature’s course in processes in life. In Brave New World, everyone wants people to do the common act. The drug “soma” is a popular substance that gives a person ultimate happiness and leave out all the sadness in the world. People in Brave New World would often look down upon other people if they don’t take soma because they are considered abnormal. Soma is an act of stability and everyone relies on it and a drug they feel like they have to take. Mustapha Mond talked about how soma is necessary and everything else isn’t a big deal because citizens have soma. “ …And there's always soma to calm your anger, to reconcile you to your enemies, to make you patient and long-suffering” (Huxley 238). In Brave New World, people from an early age are learned to act specifically because of …show more content…

The main topic of this book is a process called “unwounding” a child. Unwounding means that a child starting at thirteen years old, they can have their organs donated for a better cause and in some way the unwind child lives on. This decision is a choice that parents make, not the child themselves. Having a child unwounded can mean they don’t want the child, an act of sacrifice, etc. A character named the Admiral said “Of course, if more people had been organ donors, unwinding would have never happened…but people like to keep what’s theirs, even after they’re dead. It didn’t take long for ethics to be crushed by greed. Unwinding became big business, and people let it happen”(Shusterman 224). Also, the choice of parenthood is forced upon someone even if they don’t want to become a parent to a child. If a woman does not raise want to raise a their child, the mother can leave their child on the doorstep of an owner and legally the owner of the doorstep is now responsible for the child. This is called storking. By society’s term, no matter who they are, the person who receives a baby on the doorstep are the ones responsible to take care of it. Risa was storked when she was a baby and her reason behind her being unwound is that her foster home is too crowded. The authors states, “In a perfect world mothers would all want their babies, and strangers would

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