Essay Comparing Beowulf And Gilgamesh

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Beowulf and Gilgamesh are two epic heroes, but drastically different ones. While considering the aspects of their journeys, character, and leadership, the two have a few character traits in common. For the most part, however, the two characters are very divergent in these aspects.

An epic hero is hardly a hero if he does not journey on an incredibly dangerous voyage. The journey is one of the many common themes among epic heroes, and Beowulf and Gilgamesh are not exceptions. Beowulf goes on a journey to kill Grendel, the monster that has been terrorizing the Danes at Herot. From there, he travels on to defeat Grendel’s mother, and he gains fame and power from his heroism, becoming king of the Danes himself. His journey comes to an end …show more content…

Beowulf and Gilgamesh are certainly both rulers, however Beowulf is the only one that is undeniably great. Beowulf is a brilliant king, who is revered by his people. He effectively defends them, creates alliances, and gains riches for them. Gilgamesh is loathed by those under his authority, and for good reason. He uses them for slave labor, and takes advantage of the attractive women of Uruk on a regular basis. This results in the creation of Enkidu to humble the arrogant Gilgamesh. The feelings of the people display the effectiveness of each of their leadership styles. Gilgamesh can only be an effective leader after he returns from his journey with a new appreciation for his position as king of Uruk. An advantage that Gilgamesh had over Beowulf was his ease in acquiring leadership. Gilgamesh is born into power as two-thirds god and one-third human. Beowulf starts a lowly warrior and fights his way to the top through feats of courage and heroism. The difference in attainment of the position as king could be the reason that Beowulf is so much more humble in comparison to Gilgamesh. It is possible that if Beowulf was handed his leadership rather having to earn it, the Geats would have been taken advantage of as

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