Essay About Same Sex Marriage

1063 Words3 Pages

Phi 2010
Philosophy paper (first draft)
Kelly Werme, T 5:40
Same Sex Marriage; Two Humans Together

The average American citizen can get married to the woman or man of their dreams if they are black, white, Hispanic, fresh out of jail, or even an ex-convict... as long as it isn't a member of the same sex. In my opinion, same sex marriage should be completely legal and no one should have a problem with it. Believe it or not, there are still people in our world today who are extremely opposed to the idea of same sex marriage. What happened to everyone being equal? Thirty-three states still strictly ban same-sex marriage in the “land of the free”.
Why are two criminals are allowed to get married and be happy, but not two men or two women? Americans are granted more marriage rights after committing a crime than for being in love with someone of the same sex. In fact, in the state of Indiana, it is considered a criminal violation for two people of the same sex to file for a marriage license, as well as for the clergy to conduct weddings for gay couples. It is evident that our country is trying to regulate who we fall in love with.
The opposition should consider that the definition of marriage, although on paper is the same, is not anywhere near the same as it was when our grandparents, or their grandparents got married. Marriage, centuries ago, had more to do with the woman being the property of the man than anything it is associated with now. Marriage is a lot more than that. Marriage legally binds you to the other person, giving you access to just about everything in their life. For the sake of argument, let us picture two men, very in love, but one is dying. Let us assume that these two men love each other just li...

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... me that allowing same-sex marriage will change the course of the future in a negative way. Marriage equality should be granted to everyone, as long as there are no known dire consequences. I continue to hope that one day marriage can be defined differently. Marriage will soon be the union between two humans in love, as long as it does not pose any possible negative effects on their potential children. So far, same-sex marriages has done nothing to destroy the institution or validity of marriage or love. The main issue with the arguments against same-sex marriage are that the arguments are based on false assumptions or false premises. None of the arguments against same-sex marriage have any real back-up or hard evidence. Based on the patterns of the United States, the legalization of same-sex marriage seems to be catching on, and everyone should learn to accept it.

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