Essay About My Strengths

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As people like to believe they are different or unique, we all relatively have the same mind-set as far as our weakest or strongest qualities go. While one group’s greatest strength might be forgiveness, it might be another group’s greatest weakness. It is important for people to know what their greatest weaknesses and strengths are because theses qualities help define who people are. Furthermore, it is crucial for people to not only focus on their negative qualities, but to also focus on their positive qualities. Upon taking the “VIA Survey of Character Strengths,” I learned what my top five strengths are, how my weakest strength is also one of my top strengths, and how I already incorporate them into my everyday life. My first strength is …show more content…

I believe this is a great strength to have, but I also see it as a weakness. I believe being this way has helped me in having fewer regrets, but I also realize it has caused me to take less risks. When people are overly cautious, they tend to fear the worst of situations, which could cause them to stray from improving themselves because they are hesitant. For example, my husband and I have wanted to move for a couple years and I always feared we might end up not receiving suitable jobs and end up living pay check to pay check. However, I realized after many years, we could have come across different opportunities than we have had in Dalhart, TX. I feel we have lived a great life here, but I also believe there is so much more out there and my fear has held us back a little in pursing certain life events. In addition, it is important to not act on impulse, but it is equally important to not remain overly cautious. My capacity to love and to be loved is my fifth greatest strength. I absolutely love this strength, as love in the most important thing in my life, no matter the context. I feel it is important to surround yourself with loved ones as feeling lonely can have negative impacts on the things you do every day. In addition, it is important that the people you surround yourself with, show you the same appreciation as love goes both …show more content…

I have noticed for a while now that I control my emotions. I realize how easy it is to snap out of negativity, even though it may seem hard. In addition, one thing in life that I always strive to remember is that I cannot control everything and that stressing over things that I cannot control is a waste of energy. I went through a small rough patch in my life a couple years ago and finally had to tell myself to either let it go and move forward, or to remove myself from the situation, because continuing to feel the way I was feeling everyday was only going to make matters worse and ruin the best parts of me. When I finally did that, I felt so much better because I made a decision and stuck to it. When I had let my emotions control me, I was a wreck and hated who I was becoming; therefore, I wish everyone could have more control over their emotions as living with uncontrolled emotions takes a toll on everyday

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