Essay About Love And Infatuation

559 Words2 Pages

I simply adore the phrase “love conquers all.” Love is caring very strongly, and deeply about another person. Love comes from the heart, or the soul depending on beliefs. When a person loves someone, they are there to support them, and work together to solve problems. They are willing to stand by each other during good times and bad, wishing nothing more than to watch, and help each other grow. Infatuation has a few wonderful things going for it as well. It gives goose bumps, and puts that silly smile on a person’s face that they cannot seem to remove. It fills the mind with daydreams. Infatuation feels passionate and addictive, but is ultimately insecure. Love on the other hand is passionate, addictive, and secure. Many fail to see the difference between the two, but in fact they are very different. There are differences in the length of time two people are together, the emotions that are behind the feelings, and even physically.
One of the first differences is the time aspect of love and infatuation. Love develops gradually over time. When a person meets someone who sparks their i...

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