Essay About Fearless

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The term fearless is someone or something lacking fear. In order for someone or something to be fearless they must be bold, brave, courageous, heroic, and daring. And without a doubt Adam was all of these things. Adam was the kind of person who most others would have wanted to be. Often through life, people feel afraid to do certain things, so they use fear as the culprit of their unwillingness. In reality it is the fear itself that holds them back. Yet this can be overcome, for as FDR once said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” Many people including some of his Navy SEALS buddies, thought that he had been born without that part of DNA that controlled his fear.. Adam literally stabbed himself in the freaking forehead and didn’t …show more content…

There is a ton of ways to control fear, but the one action to beating this terror is having a goal to look forward to. One must grasp this goal as if it is their lifeline on a sinking boat. Hold on, fight, grab that goal and save yourself from this sinking vessel of fear. Do not sink into the depths of despair and pain. Climb up out of the ocean of failure and begin the ascension towards the top. As difficult and impossible as the journey seems, you must carve out a path of your own towards your …show more content…

I would say that the term “fearless” describes Adam without a single doubt in my mind. Another story about his fearlessness was when some of the SEALS were starting a pool of money for whoever was crazy enough to put their … male parts on a fire ant hill, And with that in mind, a split-second later Adam had already had his pants down to his ankles. And so Adam waddled over to the ant hill and shuffled into position. But little did he know that his friends were going to hold him down. So they put his um… male parts on an ant hill for 30 seconds, but get paid around

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