Essay About Chinese New Year

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1. Origins of Chinese New Year
The Chinese New Year is the most significant holiday for the Chinese people, as it is a time for honoring ancestors and reuniting family members together. The Chinese New Year originated centuries ago from the fear of the great beast Nián (年).This terrible monster resembled a huge ox with the head of a lion. Every year, on New Year’s Eve, this creature would come out and devour the terrified Chinese villagers. Numerous homes and animals were destroyed. Eventually, a wise old man counseled the villagers and instructed them on how to get rid of the horrible Nián. He told the people to hang red paper cutouts on their doors because the monster was scared of the color red. Also, the man advised the villagers to light torches and firecrackers, as Nián was frightened of fire and loud noises. The Chinese followed the wise man’s directions and finally conquered the great beast. After Nián’s defeat, the Chinese called this date “the passing of Nián”, known as Guònián (过年). This symbolizes the celebration of the coming New Year. In addition, in keeping the monster away for a year, the Chinese say Gōngxǐ fācái (恭喜发财), which means “congratulations” This represents congratulating each other for making it safely to another New Year.
2. The 15 Day Celebration of Chinese New Year
The Chinese usually celebrate the New Year in a period of 15 days. On the first day, the New Year is celebrated and the gods of heaven and earth are welcomed by the people. On the second day, the people pray to their ancestors and to the gods for good fortune in the coming year. During the third day, the Chinese stay inside the house, believing that it is unlucky to be outdoors. On the fourth day, Chinese families clean their homes, throw...

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...assistance. The man instructed him to make small dumplings, or Tāngyuán (湯圓), for the God of Fire. Also, he told him to tell the people to hang up lanterns and light firecrackers. The emperor obeyed the man’s commands and the city was saved. While the people were admiring the decorations in the city, Yuánxiāo was finally reunited with her family. During the Lantern Festival, the Chinese people enjoy eating Tāngyuán (汤圆). Tāngyuán are small, sticky dumplings filled on the inside with sweet stuffing. Eating these dumplings represent family unity and togetherness. After eating, the people enjoy the craft of making large, elaborate lanterns from colored paper. They enjoy watching the beautiful lanterns in the night along with the full moon. Another popular activity involves guessing lantern riddles. These riddles have messages that indicate good fortune and prosperity.

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