Essay About Anime

3290 Words7 Pages

In America, people think of shows such as Family Guy, Spongebob, and Adventure Time if you mention cartoons. However, in Japan the equivalent of cartoons is anime. Anime which is thought of by many people to be weird and freaky. It is believed that anime is basically cartoon porn for weirdos who have nothing to do with their lives, but that’s wrong. Anime is a form of art which can be as thrilling as a Hollywood blockbuster, as romantic as any novel, and it can be filled with laughter, violence, and tears. Anime is something that someone can only accept and enjoy after they’ve tried it. It is versatile, and flexible and can morph into any genre the writer chooses, ranging from time travel, to tragic romance, to serial killers! They may seem like cartoons, but they tend to offer deeper meanings and messages you have to interpret yourself. Often times, anime can go off into dark themes that Western media won’t show or can’t show well. Anime is not a pathetic hobby for stay at home losers, and it’s not cartoon porn for internet fanatics either. Anime is an art which not only tells stories, but also shows them.
American cartoons are generally aimed towards children and perhaps teens, but a cartoon genre for adults is missing. Anime on the other hand is for all ages, from young boys to middle age workers. American cartoons have themes such as, “What goes around comes around” or “Be happy!” Anime can also have these themes, but they can easily venture to other topics as well, topics which the West doesn’t touch. Some notable topics are, “Do the ends justify the means?” from an anime called Code Geass full of genocide and war and political murder. Another possible theme is the debate of fundamentalism against science which is featured...

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...ade me cry, because the story was truly, truly beautiful. Along with the plots, the music and art are beautiful. The characters can be relatable and likeable, the setting can be vast and creative. Typically, anime is a medium of entertainment with an emphasis on imagination and trying something new, something people haven't seen before. I simply love fun, heart breaking, and moving stories. Movies can do that sometimes, but they end much too quickly for me to care for the characters. Books come close, but they don’t have the beautiful art and music to go with it. American TV is years off from anime, and any other media form just isn’t interesting. For this reason, I don't think anyone should say they don't like anime. Anime is so expansive that there's something there for everyone. People should probably say instead that they haven't found their anime series yet.

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