Erikson's Theory Of Adolescent Development Theories

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Adolescent Development Theories By Emily Lewis Louisiana State University in Shreveport Numerous studies have been conducted on the adolescent mind to understand how we learn and develop psychologically. Psychologists such as Robert Havighurst, David Elking, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Erik Erikson have researched and developed their own theories of adolescent development. Robert Havighurst’s theory of adolescence is divided into "developmental tasks," which are critical tasks that arise at certain times in our lives. These tasks represent a balance between the two opposing theories of freedom and constraint. The theory of freedom involves allowing a child to have the most freedom to learn things on their own, while the theory of constraint involves teaching a child how to become a functioning member of society. Havighurst believed that successfully completing these tasks created a sense of self-worth that would help with other tasks later in life. If the infant is well taken care of, they will develop trust, which will help develop relationships in the future and build the virtue of hope. The second stage is autonomy vs. shame and doubt, which occurs around ages eighteen months to three years old. In this stage, a child begins to discover that they can do things for themselves and thrives from encouragement and knowing when to ask for help. Succeeding in this stage will instill the virtue of will. The third stage, initiative vs. guilt, occurs from ages three to five. In this stage, a child learns how to take initiative while playing with other children, such as deciding what game to play. Children also begin to ask questions at this stage, and if an adult acts as if the child is asking too many questions or being annoying, the child will begin to develop a sense of guilt. If a child succeeds in this stage, they will develop the virtue of purpose. The fourth stage, competence vs. inferiority, occurs between ages five and twelve. In this stage, peers begin playing a larger role in a child’s life, which affects the child’s self-esteem either positively or negatively. Children begin taking pride in their accomplishments and feel they need to prove themselves. Competence is the virtue instilled at this stage. The fifth stage, identity vs. role confusion, occurs around ages twelve to eighteen. In this stage, adolescents begin to develop their beliefs, values, and personal goals through exploration. Success in this stage develops the virtue of fidelity. The sixth stage, intimacy vs. isolation, occurs from ages eighteen to about forty.

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