Understanding Erikson's Industry vs. Inferiority Stage

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The first stage I will be talking about is the fourth stage of Erikson’s theory of developments industry vs. inferiority which is from age six years to adolescence, children begin to develop a sense of pride in their accomplishments. They initiate projects, see them through to completion, and feel good about what they have achieved. During this time, teachers play an increased role in the child’s development. If children are encouraged and reinforced for their initiative, they begin to feel active and feel confident in their ability to achieve goals. If this initiative is not encouraged, if it is restricted by parents or teacher, then the child begins to feel inferior, doubting his own abilities and, therefore, may not reach his potential. …show more content…

At the beginning I was unsure but I realized that is only because I was not sure of what his theory was fully about but after I studied in class but also had myself fully understand I disagree with his theory of how he views the psychosocial development and that was one of the reasons why I chose this option because I wanted to know more about the ways he labeled people in different categories. One of the reasons why Is his idea of mastering all of the stages and if not then you would lead an unhealthy personality and sense of self. Which I totally disagree with it. The second stage I will be talking about is Identity vs. Role Confusion which is the 5th stage of Erikson’s theory of development, which is During adolescence (age 12 to 18 yrs.), the transition from childhood to adulthood. Children are becoming more independent and begin to look at the future in terms of career, relationships, families. This is a major stage in development where the child has to learn the roles he will conquer as an adult. It is during this stage that the adolescent will re-examine his identity and try to find out exactly who he or she …show more content…

Give me an example of a behavior that you might witness in someone who has mastered this stage. If someone was to have master this stage they would be in place in their life where they feel assured in the relationship, they have with someone and the relationship they have with their partner is successful and they feel as if they are completed. If an individual still has not mastered this stage in their life, they could have a commitment or trust issues which is why they can never feel safe or secure in a relationship with a partner. If someone masters this stage, they would live in a stress free life because they’re are sure this is the person who they want to be and they don’t have to re-examined their life with their partners and live a happy life. In the long run if someone does not master this stage they are more likely to be confused as to why they can’t be in a committed relationship and at one point might get depressed. I don’t agree with Erikson’s 6th stage theory of development because he never considered the other possibilities as to why people are this why and he never proposed a solution for those who can’t master this stage and I feel like there are some people who can master this

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