Erikson Identity Theory

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Throughout this semester, we have discovered some of the greatest psychoanalysts who have influenced and affected the mental health field forever. With their theories they have shaped the understanding of the human condition and how it develops. The purpose behind these methods of treatments is to help people discover, change, and progress in life. Through self-awareness people are able to achieve this progress. Psychoanalytical treatment gives patients the opportunity to examine these assumptions, understand their origins in their lives, modify them if necessary, and make better choices for themselves (AmericanPsychoanalyticAssoication). The doctor who stood out and who I understood the most was Erik Erikson, the founder of the “Identity Theory.” As for the literary figure I chose that connects to Erik Erikson’s theory is a well-known American writer and poet, Sandra Cisneros. Beginning with Erik Erikson’s childhood, our textbook describes, “it is not surprising that the theorist who gave us the concept of the identity crisis experienced several crises of his own.” His first crisis occurred when he found out that his father was not his biological father. Knowing of this information, he kept his father’s last name until he migrated from Germany to the United States then changed his name to Erik Homburger Erikson. As life went on, Erikson experienced other identity crises situations that later gave him the idea of using his experiences to develop a profound theory that would change the world of psychology. At the age of twenty-five, Erik Erikson was offered to teach at a school established for the children of Sigmund Freud’s patients and friends (Schultz). Being taught by Sigmund Freud’s daughter Anna, he decided to approach Freud... ... middle of paper ... ...uineness, and a sense of duty in relationships with other people. Ultimately, I take those three traits very seriously by trying to fulfill my duty to the fullest potential. Lastly, being twenty-four, I am between the stages of overcoming and distinguishing my identity crisis and beginning to enter young adulthood. Getting ready to graduate college this semester and joining the military, I am starting to establish my independence from my parents and entering autonomously as a mature, responsible adult. I plan to serve a term in the military, apply for a federal law enforcement profession, and start my own family. Looking at my life through Erik Erikson’s Identity Theory perspective, I hope that I can grow old and enter the final stage of psychosocial development with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, believing I have coped with life’s victories and failures.

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