Erec Et Enide: A Knight Offends Queen Guinevere

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In "Erec et Enide", “during a hunt for a white stag, a knight offends Queen Guinevere. Erec pursues him, defeats him, and returns to court with Enide.” (Easy Literature Notes). After the couple is married, the couple returns to Erec's home in Carnant where Erec retires from battle. Talk about Erec's lifestyle change bothers Enide, and she offends her husband when she confides in him with this information. They leave Carnant, and Erec commands Enide not to speak to him without his addressing her. When knights plot against Erec, Enide warns him, only to make him angry. After he defeats the knights, the couple continues on their journey until more knights plot against Erec. Enide warns him once and it only makes him madder. Again, Erec defeats …show more content…

What interests these beautiful young ladies is dancing, as well a willing partner. When a young man tries to cross the bridge, they ask him to dance with them. If the man agrees, she will let him pass without any problems, and he will be none the wiser to her potential danger. However, those unlucky men who are not suitable dance partners, and who refuse the invitation will be thrown off the bridge. In “Chevrefoil”, The story tells of the love between the knight Tristan and his uncle's wife Iseult, which was so pure that it eventually caused their deaths on the same day. Tristan has been banned from Cornwall by his uncle Mark for his lustful sins, and is forced to return to his homeland in South Wales. After pining away for a year, Tristan hears news that Mark is planning a great feast for Pentecost at Tintagel, and Iseult will be there. On the day the king's court goes out, Tristan goes to the woods, where he cuts a hazel branch into an appropriate signal and carves his name into it. Iseult will be on the lookout for such a sign, since Tristan has contacted her in a similar manner in the past. Immediately recognizing the branch as Tristan's, Iseult asks her party to stop and rest, and goes out in the woods with only her faithful servant Brangaine. The lovers spend their time together, and Iseult tells Tristan how he can win back his uncle's favor. When it comes time to leave, …show more content…

The archetypal hero’s journey is the progress of a protagonist throughout a certain story. The journey shows the advancement of a certain character from where they started to where they end up, glorifying their actions. The archetypal hero’s journey fits into what the people will expect to happen. The people who only heard by word of mouth only got to hear and imagine what would happen. However, today, we can analyze passages and detect a pattern of the literary structure. In “Diamonds and Toads”, there is a pattern shown, and that pattern is the archetypal hero’s journey. In the ordinary world, there is one big happy family: a mother, a father, and two daughters. Then, unknowingly, the youngest daughter’s call to adventure as a hero begins when her father passes away and her mother and sister turn their back on her. Though she may not be able to refuse the call, she deals with it to the best of her ability. The girl happens to have the meeting with the mentor when she meets the elderly woman at the well. After the child is beaten when her sister is cursed, she crosses the threshold and leaves the ordinary world to go and is now an enemy of her family. Even though there is no fear of losing her life, she is disowned by her family. Because of her family disowning her, she happens to meet her prince and this is her reward for running away as she chooses to live her new life. The journey shows that all bad

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