Episodic Memory

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The first type of long term memory is episodic memory. Episodic memory represent our memory for specific events that have happened to a person. Episodic memory is one of the subtype of declarative memory where we can state it explicitly. Explicit means a person can clearly state and explain what they have remembered from the past. Besides that, a combination of episodic memory known as autobiographical events which include times, places, associated emotions and other contextual knowledge. Autobiographical memory referred as “the recall of the events of one’s earlier life” ( Baddeley, 1990, p. 293). Autobiographical memory can be further divided into personal semantic information and personal episodic information. Personal semantic information …show more content…

Emotional conditioning involves in implicit memory. Implicit memory is working in an unconscious way and usually uses past experiences to remember them ( Zimmermann, 2014). Emotional conditioning is also known as emotional memory where it involves unconscious learning and usually stores information about the significant events that can make a person becomes emotional ( LeDoux, 1993). These emotional responses could be anxiety, happiness, sadness, pain, and variety of other emotion that can be stimulated in an organism. Besides that, people usually unconsciously feel these kinds of emotions and even tend to endures with a person for a long time. On the top of that, during learning and memory retrieval, a person that experience the emotional responses can give effects to the long-term memory. People usually tend to remember the significant events that give them such emotional responses. For example, a broke up from a relationship gives sadness and pain to a person who experienced it, thus it will take time for them to forget about it. This happens when the broke up event unconsciously stored in the long-term memory. In addition, emotional conditioning usually can be related to people’s behaviour. This is because emotions can influence in how people acquire their habits. This can be shown through the experiment that is conducted by Ivan Pavlov known as “Classical Conditioning” experiment. (Baddeley,

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