Epip Persuasive Essay

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The medical industry, with one of its sole purposes is to keep us safe and alive is killing America at an ever quickening speed. As a society we have discovered and created vaccinations, medical equipment, medications and treatments which are able to prevent diseases and save peoples’ lives from so many different dangerous situations under the sun. Recently the hand of greed has reared its ugly face in the form of drug companies like Mylan, the sole producer of the Epinephrine auto-injector, EpiPen. The average vial of Epinephrine costs just around $1 for a dose which is needed to reverse the effects of Anaphylaxis. Since Mylan has purchased the rights to sell the EpiPen from Merck KGaA they have raised the price over 600% from their original cost. EpiPen as a product has not vastly changed in that time period. EpiPens only last for about 18 months and therefor have to be replaced fairly frequently. Albeit the devices themselves are extremely well developed and …show more content…

Regulatory governmental organizations like the FDA should also be responsible in making sure that single companies like Mylan don’t control the whole system and therefore the lives of thousands of Americans. Representative Gerald Connolly even went as far to call it a monopoly during the House Oversite Committee. “your competitors don’t even equal 6% of the market Ms. Bresch, that doesn’t even pass the giggle test what you are asserting. You virtually have a monopoly … but unfortunately it is at the expense of people who need it.” This is caused by the fact that other companies are unable to get approved through the FDA and remain competitive. Mylan also forced schools to sign agreements to sign statements that they couldn’t buy any other auto-injectors from any other company. She claims that she cares about the health the children, but it seems to be pretty clear that Mylan and herself have a lot to gain by taking advantage of the

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