Epilepsy: A Disorder In A Person's Brain

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Epilepsy is a disorder in a person’s brain, which causes them to have recurring seizures. John Hughlings Jackson, who was a British neurologist, is very well known for his research on epilepsy. Hughlings Jackson observed his wife's epileptic seizures. He noted that all of her seizures followed the same pattern. They would start at one of her hands, move to her wrist, then her shoulder, then her face. They would finally affect the leg on the same side of her body, then stop. He went on to describe this form of epilepsy associated with localized convulsive seizures, now known as Jacksonian epilepsy or Jacksonian seizures. In 1873, Jackson gave the following definition for epilepsy: “Epilepsy is the name for occasional, sudden, excessive, rapid and local discharges of grey matter.” …show more content…

The seizures happen when clusters of nerve cells in the brain send out the wrong signals. These electrical disruptions can cause a range of symptoms. Some people stare off into space, some make jerky movements, while others lose consciousness. When a person has two or more seizures, they are considered to have epilepsy. There are many possible causes of epilepsy, including an imbalance of nerve-signalling chemicals called neurotransmitters, tumours, strokes, and brain damage from illness or injury. A seizure happens when a part of the brain has a burst of abnormal electrical signals that temporarily interrupt normal electrical brain

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