Environmental Factors Affecting The Butterflies In Canada

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I have decided to look at the various factors that are affecting the species richness, abundance, and distribution of butterflies in Canada. Currently, there are six different families of butterflies that are found in Canadian regions. Climate change is a problem that is affecting many species, butterfly species are one of the many affected. Anthropogenic climate change, which is climate changes due to human impacts are directly affecting butterflies because the changes in temperatures are affecting their migration patterns, their habitats as well as reproductive cycles. Climate change is not the only factor affect the butterflies in Canada, loss of habitat is due to logging, as well as the increase in agriculture intensity in the Canadian plains is also affecting butterflies because of the herbicides and insecticide. Butterfly species distributions will be subjected to …show more content…

Butterflies located in the Tundra Zone of Canada are the most diverse because of their climates, however, there has been a recent decline in the diversity of these butterflies. Which can be the causation of climate change as well as habitat loss. In the Borel Zone butterflies take full advantage of the forest in which they live in. It is a good habitat in-regards to food, protection and also good for caterpillars to go through metamorphosis. Habitat destruction is a large problem throughout the prairies due to agricultural pressures increasing which leads to negative effects. Areas, in western Ontario, and St. Lawrence River as well as in areas of the maritime provinces there is a high diversity of butterflies due to the deciduous woodlands. However with the diversity of butterflies in Canada, it is currently experiencing changes due to habitat disturbances like large timber and logging areas which affect the butterflies natural habitats, leading to a decrease in their survival and

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