Ending Poverty In The Catholic Church

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“Ending Poverty is the most important duty for Catholics”

The Catholic Church proclaims that every human life is to be to viewed as equal and with the upmost dignity. It is the dignity of humans that provides the foundation of modern society. This belief is a motif throughout many catholic and social teachings. Catholic traditions teaches that human dignity can be safe guarded when the rights and responsibilities of humans are met. “Its [the Church's] desire is that the poor should rise above poverty and wretchedness, and should better their condition in life; and for this it strives”1. Every being is fabricated in the depiction of God therefore inheriting solemnity. Concluding that every person has the rudimentary to an honorable life and a right to the necessities that are vital for human propriety. …show more content…

Caring for the poor essentially is the responsibility of the human population. Discriminatory care shouldn’t be shown to the destitute people, preferential care should be proclaimed to those considered vulnerable. In Gods eyes those who are poor deserve exceptional deliberation. “Jesus taught that God asks each of us what we are doing to help the poor and needy: “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these brothers of mine, you did for me”2. Poverty in Catholic teaching commences with the basis that each being is born in the sacred alikeness of Gods image. Therefore has the undivided right to the goods of the

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