Employment for Illegal Immigrants

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Employment for Illegal Immigrants The foundation of the United States has always been greatly influenced by immigration. For hundreds of years it has been the melting pot for many cultures and many generations of hard-working immigrants. Now Americans face the difficult problem of illegal immigrants working within United States borders. To solve this problem George W. Bush has proposed an illegal immigrant employment licensing program. It stands to greatly benefit Americans as well as immigrant workers looking for employment in the United States. The United States should grant rights, such as employment rights to illegal immigrants. The proposal will allow illegal immigrants to apply for temporary employment permits that will benefit help immigrants work legally in America. According to sources located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_immigration, 'An illegal immigrant is defined as a person who either enters a country illegally, or who enters legally but subsequently violates the terms of their visa, permanent resident permit or refugee permit. The terms 'undocumented immigrant', 'illegals' are and 'illegal alien' are all roughly synonymous.' Illegal immigrants are most commonly thought to be individuals that cross the boarder from Mexico or Canada into the United States illegally. However, these immigrants frequently include individuals from Middle Eastern and European countries. By being able to achieve a temporary worker status means better benefits and fair opportunities on the part of the worker. George W. Bush's proposal for issuing temporary workers rights to illegal immigrants is favorable because it helps homeland security by accounting for illegal immigrants, fills job openings, promises a profitable outcome to the economy and it holds many benefits to the immigrant. A common misconception regarding illegal immigration in the United States is that too many people are being allowed into the country which can jeopardize national security. The truth, however, is that President Bush's proposal actually helps maintain the security of American boarders. Also, in addition to the proposal, vast efforts are being made to secure U.S. boarders from terrorists. Boarder patrol has expanded and boarder protection funding has increased by 40 percent in the last two years. (Office of Press Secretary, 2004 at ... ... middle of paper ... ...he ideals of the American dream. On it, is the inscription, "Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.? The United States must live up to the legacy of its predecessors and create opportunities for all those who really are tired, poor and yearning to breathe free. George W. Bush was quoted as saying, ?Our country has always benefited from the dreams that others have brought here. By working hard for a better life, immigrants contribute to the life of our great nation?This plan will help return order and fairness of our immigration system, and in so do we will honor our values, by showing our respect for those who work hard and share in the ideals of America.? Sources Elias, Thomas. "Immigration Opponents Ignore The Economic Contributions Of Illegal Immigrants" Challenge Magazine of Economic Affairs, Apr. 2005, pg. 125 George W. Bush, www.whitehouse.gov High Cost of Illegal Immigration, Human Events 2004, Vol. 60 Issue 29, p22 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illegal_immigration Office of Press Secretary, 2004 located at www.whitehouse.gov. The Washington Post, Section: A06 January, 2005 USA Today, 2005

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