Employee Trust and Workplace Performance

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Employee trust has a direct effect on the performance of a particular workplace. Depending on the attitudes of employee to the management, this effect can either be good, bad, or a mix of both. Management and employees tends to have conflict within organizations due to various issues, but mainly because of the questionable reliability of employees towards their manager. The success of a workforce is dependent on the financial performance, labor productivity, and product or service quality which is controlled by the employee, but when employees start slowing down their performance to protest with the management, then something is wrong on how things are handled by the owners. According to Brown, McHardy, and Taylor, co-authors of an economic article that pertains to UK workers, employees’ trust are subjective on the four qualities, often called as trust measures, that an effective manager must possess: (1) managers are relied to keep their promises; (2) managers treat employees fairly; (3) managers deal with employees honestly, and; (4) managers are sincere in attempting to understand employees’ views. Their research shows that when employees are assured that the managers meet the four conditions above, the financial performance, labor productivity, and product or service quality are “a lot better than average”. Employees work performance are increased and trust is also strengthen between employees and employer. However, meeting the four qualities is not a sustained mechanism to promote lifetime trust in the workforce. Another side that is critical in the establishment of a better working environment are the distinctive job characteristics obtained by employees. These characteristics are tenure, amount of training, membership in trade union, and wage payments, and the different level of these characteristics often yields to different level of trust. Based from the

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