Employee Behavior Case Study

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UNIVERSITY OF THE PEOPLE BUS1101-AY2017 INTRODUCTION TO THE PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT TOPIC: FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE WORK BEHAVIOR The SAS policies answer the question as to why employees behave the way they do. The SAS research report shows that work behavior can be influenced by several factors. The case study in section 2.1 shows what factors influenced production and work performance. One of the highlights in the discourse is how well employees are treated directly affect their performance on the job. Putting employee above all else in business arena give speed to good yield. I used to think that in the business world customers should come first, but a lesson in the case study shows that even when customers leave the business in …show more content…

This refers to the level in which the employee effectively and efficiently meets the components in the job description. The content of performance on the job may differ from job to job and from organization to organization. A productive performance is measured by the quality and quantity of work done, and the accuracy and timing with which the work is done. May company used job performance promotion, reward, raises in salary, additional responsibilities etc. Thus, companies used this to track the performance records of the employee. In this vain, SAS provide services (health care, social amenities etc.,) and motivations to their employees and even extending that to the employee’s immediate family …show more content…

It is the voluntary efforts of an employee the get things done for the smooth running of the business. Volunteering to take minutes when there is no secretary, helping co-workers to improve on their performance, organizing social events etc. Our relationship with the managers and our co-workers is a good predictor of work behavior. Motivating others to perm well is a responsibility of a managers but if employee feels that he treated fairly by the manager and have good relationships with other colleagues then they take on responsibilities that are assigned to them. By that I mean they volunteer to assist managers in certain aspect of their work. Like SAS, employees are always recognized and value greatly, therefore they feel fairly treated in even in times of the organization’s crisis. The result was a massive output of their

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