Empathy In The Gaming Community

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Empathy in Video Games: The Remedy for Toxicity in the Video Gaming Community
Toxicity in the Gaming Community Screenshot of the Xbox reputation system.
It is not hard to find issues within the gaming community across all platforms. Companies now have to invest quite a bit of time into reputation systems like Xbox’s pictured above. There is progress to be made in that field though and players are still exposed to toxicity on a daily basis. Online gaming grants players a degree of anonymity and with that comes less reserved behaviors. There have been and continue to be massive issues with toxicity among players. Video Games have been long been stigmatized for propagating violence and desensitizing players to the world around them and it is …show more content…

Whereas apathy, described as the lack thereof, is fundamentally dangerous. The over encompassing definition of empathy is the experience of understanding another person's condition from their perspective and apathy is a lack of this ability or lack of enthusiasm or concern for others. As it pertains to the gaming community as a whole, there lies a severe disconnect between players. Often with online games, harassment, cat calling, sexist and racist remark slinging is commonplace. Schadenfreude, the opposite response to empathy that involves feeling pleasure at the sight of another’s misfortune, is common in the world of online competitive gaming where tensions tend to run high. If more players effectively build their empathy skills by playing a balance of empathy provoking games and other means, the frequency of players, es throwing out racial slurs and demeaning gestures in the various multiplayer platform lobbies could begin to …show more content…

Since they provide “safe” environments to be exposed to certain subject matter that would otherwise be inaccessible, they are able to expose individuals to a variety of people, mindsets, and experiences. Rage-quitting, BM’ing (showing disrespect towards another player in an online game), and an overall sour distaste towards other players are all but common within the gaming community. As both the aforementioned studies show, gamers who strike a balance between violent games and more neutral/empathetic games have a comparatively higher capacity for empathy because they actively build on their empathy skills with the games they play. Variation in the gaming library seems to be key in avoiding further apathy

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